Gadgets - Filters/Columns + Me Mentioned
for Jira Data Center
This app/add-on for Jira Data Centers features two gadgets for Jira Dashboards:
1. Filters/Columns (w. sorting)
2. Me Mentioned.
Filters/Columns is an advanced version of the standard Filters gadget of Jira. Besides choosing a filter to show issues from, it supports showing the columns in 3 ways:
- User: the columns shown are inherited from the logged in users default column settings.
- Filter: the columns shown are inherited from the selected filter
- Custom: the columns can be chosen.
Furthermore a column can be selected as default sorting column.
The Me Mentioned gadget shows issues where the logged in user has been mentioned in (for some days back, which is configurable). It's vital for users that they dont miss discussions on Jira issues concerning them.
This is done through the Jira Apps section. Search for "Gadgets - Filters/Columns + Me Mentioned" and install. If you cannot find it, please contact us.
Click the Cog Wheel, then Apps. (need to be admin of Site)
1. In Jira, choose to create/edit a dashboard.
2. Press "Insert gadget".
3. You can now choose between the two gadgets:
Filters/Columns w. sorting
Me Mentioned
4. Select one of them. "Filters/Columns" can then be configured with filter, columns and default sort column. "Me Mentioned" can be configured with columns to show, and the days to look back for mentions.